Qmulos was founded in 2012 and is based in Chantilly, Virginia. CUPERTINO, Calif., Ma/PRNewswire/ - Moxtra, the industry's leading client interaction solution provider, announced today a new brand identity and name Moxo.The rebrand reflects. Click SAML Single Sign-On, and then click your company name.
Qmulos works with public and private sector enterprises to empower and accelerate their strategic transformation towards automated continuous monitoring and real-time risk visibility across nearly all systems, all Splunk-compatible data sources, and current and emerging cybersecurity and professional services compliance requirements. It's intuitive and lightweight, requires no learning curve, and works the way teams do: on diverse things, in. That's why we enable ad-hoc, spontaneous collaboration, so that people can make decisions, resolve issues, and get approvals fast. Leveraging diverse sources of enterprise security and compliance data through its partnership with Splunk, a leading big data security analytics platform, Qmulos supports evidence-based risk management decisions by providing real-time insights on overall enterprise risk posture. Moxtra understands that today's teams are fluid and dynamic, and that needs can change on the fly. Observing people using high-value consumer services on.

Qmulos leverages full-cycle, data-centric compliance automation to assist public-sector agencies, government contractors and commercial enterprises to enable initiatives to transform inefficient and ineffective legacy processes into modern, streamlined risk management programs capable of dealing with the complex and evolving global cyber risk challenges. We began our journey with a fundamental quest: reimagining business collaboration in the age of mobility. specifications changelog Download Now Report Issue Moxtra 4.5/5 Review by Iulia Ivan on Using an efficient team collaboration platform to communicate with everyone involved in a. Request a Demo Trusted by leading businesses of all sizes Our customers experience > 90 reduction in project email clutter 10x faster onboarding 18 increase in Net Promoter Score 3x transaction throughput Accelerate your business with modern client project portals.
Qmulos is a cybersecurity software and professional services firm driving the Converged Continuous Compliance revolution in enterprise security, compliance and risk management automation.