They are invincible and will only despawn if either all players die or Moon Lord is defeated. Additionally, when a head or hand target is defeated, a True Eye of Cthulhu spawns.When a hand or head target is defeated, it becomes a thorny crevice that deals damage on contact.Once the Head eye is defeated, the Tentacle attack becomes more common, with only about a 2-second break between attacks.The tentacle also inflicts the Moon Bite debuff, preventing any lifesteal effects from the Vampire Knives and the Spectre armor for 14 / 16 seconds.

Any Moon Leech Clot that reaches the mouth without being killed returns 1000 health to one of Moon Lord's parts (one that has not yet been defeated).

Once attached, it spawns multiple Moon Leech Clots, which are enemies that travel from the player to the Moon Lord's mouth. The tentacle can reach through solid blocks.

When Otherworldly music (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is enabled, the track Lunar Boss (Otherworldly) (Otherworldly).mp3 will play instead. While Moon Lord is alive, his exclusive music Moon Lord will play. If using a Celestial Sigil to summon the Moon Lord, it takes 12 seconds for the Moon Lord to spawn, and the screen effect will only appear once. If Moon Lord is spawned by destroying the Celestial Pillars, it takes 60 seconds for the Moon Lord to spawn, and the screen effect will appear 5 times each time the screen will go darker and all objects and walls will oscillate more violently. During the countdown, the screen will go dim and all objects and walls will oscillate back and forth, and then go back to normal, and the sound volume will gradually decrease, eventually becoming completely silent. The status message " Impending doom approaches." indicates the Moon Lord's spawning countdown. The Moon Lord can be spawned by destroying the four Celestial Pillars or by using a Celestial Sigil in any world where Golem has been defeated. He is the final boss of the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria. Moon Lord is a Hardmode, post- Lunatic Cultist boss.