Click the green Add sales channel button.Search for Headless and click on the Headless app.Click the green Shopify App Store button.We use the Storefront API via GraphQL directly instead of the Node.js SDK so we have more control over fetching and caching. Note: Shopify does offer a Node.js Storefront API SDK.
Once installed, you'll need to create a SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable and use the public access token as the value
In order to use the Shopify's Storefront API, you need to install the Headless app in your Shopify store.
The API offers a full range of commerce options making it possible for customers to control products, collections, menus, pages, cart, checkout, and more. Next.js Commerce utilizes Shopify's Storefront API to create unique customer experiences. Note: Do not include the Accessing the Shopify Storefront API Add Shopify domain to an environment variableĬreate a SHOPIFY_STORE_DOMAIN environment variable and use your Shopify domain as the the value (ie. Note: Next.js Commerce will not work with a Shopify Starter plan as it does not allow installation of custom themes, which is required to run as a headless storefront. Next.js Commerce requires a paid Shopify plan.
How to configure your Shopify store for Next.js Commerce
Run pmpm dev to ensure everything is working correctly. Run vc env pull to get environment variables. Connect to the existing commerce-shopify project.
Your app should now be running on localhost:3000.
Download your environment variables: vercel env pull. Link local instance with Vercel and GitHub accounts (creates. env file or it will expose secrets that will allow others to control your Shopify store. It's recommended you use Vercel Environment Variables for this, but a. You will need to use the environment variables defined in. Alternative providers should be able to fork this repository and swap out the lib/shopify file with their own implementation while leaving the rest of the template mostly unchanged. Vercel is more than happy to partner and work with any commerce provider to help them get a similar template up and running and listed below. Vercel will only be actively maintaining a Shopify version as outlined in our vision and strategy for Next.js Commerce. Note: Looking for Next.js Commerce v1? View the code, demo, and release notes Providers Automatic light/dark mode based on system settings. React Server Components (RSCs) and Suspense. Optimized for SEO using Next.js's Metadata. If the total amount of a draft order is equal to or greater than 500 USD, an internal email is sent to review the draft orders.A Next.js 13 and App Router-ready ecommerce template featuring: The Get draft order data action is used to collect data for draft orders created in the last week. In this example workflow, a workflow is scheduled to run every Sunday at 9:00 am. The Get draft order data action can be used in any workflow. Variables are named according to the action, and can't be customized. For example, in a workflow that uses the Get draft order data action twice, the first variable for returned data is getDraftOrderData and the second variable is getDraftOrderData1. If then Get draft order data action is used multiple times in a single workflow, then a number is added to the variable name. For custom created variables, use the getDraftOrderData object. To use the data extracted by your query in following conditions or actions, select Get draft order data in the Returned data section of the configuration panel. When you add a Get draft order data action to a workflow, steps that follow this action have a Get draft order data variable available in the variable picker. Instead, it extracts data from your store based on your query, and makes this data available for use in subsequent steps in your workflow. The Get draft order data action itself doesn't take any direct action in your store. This query can be edited to customize the results. The search query that's used to select draft orders. Select Advanced to create your own draft orders query by using Shopify's API search syntax. The search query that obtains the data to be used in the workflow.
The maximum amount of draft orders that can be returned by the search query that you select. The parameters by which the data returned by the search query is sorted. Fields used in the Get draft order data action. The Get draft order data action contains the following fields.